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Expert Tips for Navigating the Real Estate Market

My mission at Treu Group Real Estate is to be your best resource for real estate advice. Whether you are a buyer, seller, or investor, I can answer any questions you might have about real estate. Subscribe to this blog to get the latest news on local market trends and receive expert tips for buying or selling a home.

Common Real Estate Myths

Believing in Real Estate Myths can lead to really big mistakes  and dream killers.

What are the top myths that are the most costly in real estate?

1. If you want to sell for the most $, price it high. It is logical however not accurate. Pricing it in the sweat spot allows you to get the highest price, maybe even multiple offers.
2. I will just look for my new home myself. This is so common. Have an experienced  buyer’s agent can allow you to find the right home and more importantly have your offer accepted. Who you hire matters so having a top buyer's agent can make the difference between owning your new home or losing it to another buyer.
3. If I am buying new construction, I’ll just go to the builder directly. That way I’ll save money. Again a big myth. The builder does not charge more or less if you have an agent or don’t. Why not have someone that will be on Your side instead of the builder. We can help you with selections, what extras make sense for your exit strategy and review of the process.